Shade Structures
Shade Structures are less expensive than conventional roofing. They allow the air to flow, creating a cool environment. With the right selection of fabric, harmful UV rays can be reduced creating a safe and pleasant playing or recreational environment for your young children, staff or customers. There are many different styles of Shade Structures available with Hip and Hypar Sails being our most popular. Single Arm Umbrellas provide a shady area without the intrusion of too many posts and a Cantilever Structure can cover a larger area with posts being placed outside the main space.
Key Benefits
Available in a large range of Designs and Fabrics. “Let us brighten up and protect your area now”.
- Unlimited range of designs
- Many fabrics including Coolaroo, Commercial 95 or Ferrari Vinyls
- Engineer Certified
- Cyclone Rated
- Full Factory Warranty
- All Steelwork Hot Dip Galvanised
- Optional Powdercoating